It’s no secret that the iPhone tends to get a little bit more publicity in the blogging as well as in the SEO world, but that doesn’t mean that app developers have forgotten about Android phones. Believe it or not, there are apps out there that focus on SEO and analytics that actually perform better on Android phones than iPhones, not to mention the several great apps that are only available to Android users.
Being able to check the analytics for your website and watch as your SEO efforts begin to show you results all on your phone helps to keep things easy. While not everything related to SEO is best to check on your phone, it’s good to have the option whenever you’re out of town or just curious while you’re on the go.
5 SEO and Analytics Apps Specifically for Android
Apple, or iOS, might be the most popular mobile option, but even when discussing Android, you have quite a few choices. Below are some of the most popular choices for SEO apps in Google Play for Android:
This is a free app that helps you view your Google Analytics including visitors, content, and many other metrics. This is probably the most popular app and a must-have for anyone who is serious about SEO.
WebRank SEO
Another free app, WebRank SEO brings you website data such as your current rankings, backlinks, pages indexed, etc. This is probably one of the more popular apps for Android users.
AdSense Dashboard
A free app once again, this app brings you AdSense data like CPM, page views, clicks, CTR, etc. Although looking through your AdSense information is probably best done on a desktop, it’s nice to have for that occasion when you’re curious and on the go.
This app is one of the most recommended by experts because it helps you easily track your website position in Google as well as how your social media accounts are holding up. The app is free, but you can upgrade to a Pro version for $6.99 if you want extra information. If this is the only app you’re going to have for SEO purposes, the upgrade is definitely worth it.
Of course, you can’t forget an app for your social media management. HootSuite is a great app if you have several different social media accounts and want to monitor them all while you’re on the go. It’s a very easy to understand dashboard.
In the end, apps can be a great way to enhance your productivity and make things a little bit more fun. It’s tough to try and manage SEO on the go, so it’s important to stress that all big decisions should be done on a desktop with your client or SEO agency. Checking quick links, however, well that works just great on an Android!
Do you know any SEO or analytics apps for Android that we missed? Have you used any of the apps above? Let us know your story and your thoughts in the comments below.